5410 Trinity Road, Suite 210, Raleigh, NC 27607

Guardianship Litigation

A petition to appoint a guardian is a request to the court to remove a party’s legal rights and place them in the hands of a third party as guardian. There are two types of guardian. A guardian of the person handles day-to-day living and healthcare decisions. A guardian of the estate handles finances. A guardian can hold both these roles, in which they are called a general guardian. Guardianships are appropriate where a person has mentally and/or physically declined to the point that they can no longer handle their daily care or decision making. This is most often seen with elderly people or people with mental or other health handicaps. If you have a loved one whom you have concerns for, or witness a loved one making questionable or dangerous decisions regarding their finances or healthcare, a guardianship may be an appropriate remedy. An emergency guardianship may be appropriate where an immediate guardian needs to be put in place. Our attorneys are well-experienced in these cases and have handled a wide variety of situations and guardianships. Our attorneys are happy to review your guardianship litigation options and discuss with you whether this may be an appropriate avenue to pursue.


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